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Stoughton Area
Community Foundation

Stoughton, WI 53589
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The Stoughton Area Resource Team, Inc. (START) provides a safety net for those in crisis. Recently, a 30-year old single father of two struggled to find work, to pay for daycare for his children and to secure a home; so much time was spent homeless and hopeless.

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MARC- Madison Area Rehabilitaion Center

932 N Page St
Stoughton, Wisconsin 53589

Phone: 6088735217
Contact Name: Chris Brown
Administrative Assistant
Organization Profile
Grants Info
Building Furniture Improvement 2024 - 2023 Amount Funded: $5,000.00
A plan to replace well-worn furniture is the priority, as we know that height adjustable tables will positively impact the comfort and individualized needs of clients using wheelchairs during all activities and lunch time. The purchase of additional tables for other clients will also increase their comfort and accessibility for their participation. The funds are also needed to replace well-worn cabinets that store activity materials, as well as to purchase some new desks that are better suited for necessary computer/office work. We would also like to create "relaxation areas" that clients can seek opportunities for some quiet time away from the business of the day. Our planning process is for fall 2023, with hopes to order all products in early 2024. This would allow for the project to be completed in late February 2024. The impact on this project will be felt by everyone using the building, as clients will be appreciative to have new items that make life more accessible and attractive. The updates will also improve the overall impression of MARC as we welcome parents/guardians, volunteers, local community members and program professionals.
MARC strives to provide an environment which empowers its clients to live their best life. It offers a supported employment program, in which clients work at community job sites with the support of a job coach, the job coach is there to support the client through their workday, which encompasses gentle reminders to stay on task, and includes but is not limited to setting up the next task. MARC works hard to make sure clients are fulfilled in their job duties and to make sure they have a sense of accomplishment. We also provide day services programming for clients to participate in. This program ensures that our clients have a sense of individuality as well as opportunities to grow their independence. Some of the ways clients spend their time are, talking with other clients and staff, playing games that focus on large motor skills like a full-size version of Kerplunk or bowling. Some other activities that are enjoyed are exploring wacky items to paint on Wednesdays, and on Fridays, clients enjoy an afternoon movie. Annually clients enjoy and look forward to a chance for an End-of-Summer party as well as the Christmas party where they share the company of others as well as dancing and games. A yearly pontoon ride on lake Mendota each summer is a favorite activity to participate in. Clients especially choose community outings to local establishments, where they really can sit back and enjoy a coffee, a sweet treat, and conversation. MARC is always there to ensure that it can help in any way possible to make sure that our clients have a safe environment and are fulfilled as much as possible. MARC- Stoughton wants to make sure that it makes the client’s day as meaningful as possible. Each new day is a chance to make a difference in someone else’s life. The best part of the day is to see the smiles and the joy on client’s face after they show a piece of artwork they created or after a song comes on the radio and you get a spur of the moment dance from a client, this is why the services provides here are so very important. As MARC is a nonprofit organization, the majority of funds generated, go to support the clients through the programs it provides. The goal of the MARC is to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all who come in for services. This leaves little revenue available to maintain or improve the esthetics of the actual building. The current MARC office space was built in 1996 and has had little updating or furniture replacement.

Building Maintenance Improvement 2024 - 2023 Amount Funded: $8,000.00
MARC-Stoughton would begin the planning process for paint and maintenance beginning January of 2024, with hopes to complete the project in December of 2024. The impact on this project will be felt by everyone in the building, MARC clients would be so thrilled to have an updated space, and it would make their space more welcoming and make their day a little brighter by seeing all of the progress in the building. The impact of this project will be felt by everyone using the building, as clients will be appreciative to have a more attractive space. The updates will also improve the overall impression of MARC as we welcome parents/guardians, volunteers, local community members and program professionals.
MARC strives to provide an environment which empowers its clients to live their best life. It offers a supported employment program, in which clients work at community job sites with support of a job coach. The job coach is there to support the client through their workday, which encompasses but is not limited to gentle reminders to stay on task. It’s day services program ensures that clients have a sense of individuality as well as opportunities to grow their independence. Some of the ways clients spend their time are, talking with other clients and staff, playing games that focus on large motor skills. Other activities that are enjoyed are exploring wacky items to paint on Wednesdays, and on Fridays, clients enjoy an afternoon movie. Annually clients look forward to a chance for an End-of-Summer party and a Christmas party where they share the company of others as well as dancing and games. A yearly pontoon ride on lake Mendota is a favorite activity to participate in. Clients choose community outings to local establishments, where they can sit back and enjoy a coffee, a sweet treat, and conversation. MARC is always there to ensure that it can help in any way to make sure that our clients have a safe environment and are fulfilled. MARC wants to make sure that the client’s day is as meaningful as possible. The best part of the day is to see the joy on client’s face after they show a piece of artwork they created or after a song comes on the radio and you get a spur of the moment dance from a client, this is why the services provided here are so very important. During its three-month closure, Marc was unable to hold our Annual Golf Fundraiser and Employee Awards Banquet, these events are especially important to our fundraising. We officially opened our doors in June of 2020, we ensured that everyone came back safely, a priority was to ensure that we had all proper PPE on hand. As we followed COVID protocols monies were diverted that would have been used to update the building. The requested funding would be used to help with much-needed building improvements. MARC is a nonprofit organization, most funds generated go to support the clients through the programs it provides. The goal of MARC is to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all who come in for services. This leaves little revenue available to maintain or improve the building. The current MARC office space was built in 1996 and has had little building updates.